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Leather Care

Anyone with a leather interior knows how quickly it can get grotty and start looking worn – this is especially true amongst paler colour leathers. The use of ValetPRO Leather Soap will help you to prevent this from happening and will keep your leather looking at its best.

To protect your leather after the use of ValetPRO Leather Soap we recommend the use of ValetPRO Leather Protector. We believe that prevention is far better than cure, this is why protecting your leather from getting in a poor state in the first place is the best possible option. Therefor the application of ValetPRO Leather Protector is an essential final step in your leather care routine.

To effectively clean and protect your leather, start by thoroughly hoovering the interior – ensure you clear out every groove and remove any large deposits of dirt or dust.

Apply Leather Soap to a Wax Applicator and gently rub it into the leather surface but be careful because you’ll be shocked at far this product will spread. You don’t need much to get the job done. Our gel formula was designed to lubricate the dirt and grime found between leather grains, allowing you to easily remove them with the help of a Leather Brush.

Once you’re satisfied that you’ve dislodged all the grime you can, simply wipe the surface dry with a Multi-Purpose Microfibre Cloth and begin to apply a protective microfilm layer – this will act like an invisible barrier that prevents dirt from attaching itself to the leather. Instead, it will be far easier to wipe future grime away because it was designed to repel water and dirt.

Generously spray Leather Protector and use a Wax Applicator to spread it evenly across the surface. Allow the product to dwell for five minutes before buffing it with a Multi-Purpose Microfibre Cloth. Application can be repeated for additional layers of protection.

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